Serving The Cause Of Education Since 1964
RYA's primary aim and focus is to serve the student community for the cause of education.RYA provides the Text Books to deserving and needy students without discrimination.Merit and economic background are the only criteria for selecting a student to distribute books.
We have noticed that there are huge number of students being unemployed and the same time there are list of companies scouting for young employees. To fill this gap, RYA with its more than thousand beneficiaries every year, is launching unique job fair project - "Career Fest".
RYA & PRAG ROBOTICS presents an industrial robotics career program Candidates will be required to appear for a screening test. Date and time will be intimated via SMS or Email Training program will be conducted in the months of June and July 2018 at Prag Robotics premises.
Our main service project, RYA Book Bank, started in 1964, is the one of the oldest and largest of its kind in INDIA. Under this project, over 87000 college students from Arts & Commerce to Engineering have been loaned, free of cost without any discrimination. <%-- Rajasthan Youth Association was "formed 51 years "ago to promote fellowship & render service to society. Started in 1963, by a group of 25 enterprising and service minded youth, mostly businessmen, who came together to foster fellowship, imbibe leadership.--%>
You can support of Rs 500/- to upkeep the average cost per book, that will reach the deserving student
You can support Rs 11,000/- that will take care of the entire course term for the desreving student from Arts, Science, and commerce
You can support Rs 21,000/- for a deserving engineering student for his entire term through the 8 semester.
RTGS / NEFT detail for online Payment transfer if needed:
Rajasthan Youth Association educational trust